GFZ – Helmholtz Centre Potsdam
The GFZ– Helmholtz Centre Potsdam is Germany’s national research centre for the solid Earth Sciences. Its mission is to deepen the knowledge of the dynamics of the solid Earth, and to develop solutions for grand challenges facing society. In pursuit of its mission, the GFZ has developed a comprehensive spectrum of expertise in geodesy, geophysics, geology, mineralogy, geochemistry, physics, geomorphology, geo-biosciences, mathematics, and engineering. The GFZ currently employs 841 scientific, technical and administrative staff as well as 147 student assistants and apprentices and a further 273 guests (primarily scientists).
The Earth Surface Modelling Section (ESMS) was created in 2016 to strengthen the development of a new initiative to develop expertise in Earth’s surface dynamics and its interactions with climate. Researchers in ESMS develop computer models to simulate the processes responsible for the evolution of the Earth´s surface. In doing so, it provides a framework to integrate field observations and laboratory measurements, and make predictions about places where no data exists or concerning the future evolution of Earth’s surface.